Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Brief Wallens Ridge Hunger Strike Update:

A legal privileged phone call was made on Friday with the Hunger Strike leader. He said that on Tuesday he was isolated by the C/O's, stripped of his clothing and placed in solitary. The last he had heard there are 9 men still on hunger strike.

Now it is more important than ever before to call Wallens Ridge State Prison and demand that the hunger strikers' demands be met.

Make a phone call today. Send an email today.

VA DOC Director Harold W Clarke
Email: Harold.Clarke@VADOC.Virginia.Gov
Business Phone: 804 674 3118

WRSP Chief Warden Gregory Holloway
Email: Gregory.Holloway@VADOC.Virginia.Gov
Business Phone: 276 523 3310

1 comment:

  1. I think the county jail out in my parts was going through a similar hunger strike. Not a huge fan of using that as a means to meet demands.
